ジャンル:Full HD (フル ハイビジョン) 水着 グラビア 美少女
「はるかぜ 安藤遥」の良くある質問 by Yahoo!知恵袋
Q.和訳お願いしたいです。ただ、翻訳サイトはなしで。the spill instantly had a huge impact on the area . the beautiful beaches ,which are usually full of tourists in the summer , were instead full of black balls of oil . the fishing and seafood businesses had to stop , resulting in a loss of millions of dollars in sales . the companies that caused the accident , including BP(ブリティッシュ・ペトロリアム) , lost billions of dollars . BP is still giving money to people who were hurt by the spill .
A.the spill instantly had a huge impact on the area .その流出は直ぐ様その地域に多大な衝撃を与えた。 the beautiful beaches, which are usually full of tourists in the summer , were instead full of black balls of oil.美しい浜辺は、いつもの夏なら旅行者であふれ返るのだが、代わりに黒い油でいっぱいだった。 the fishing and seafood businesses had to stop, resulting in a loss of millions of dollars in sales.漁業や水産業は休止せざるを得ず、その結果セールスで数百万ドルの損失となった。 the companies that caused the accident , including BP(ブリティッシュ・ペトロリアム) , lost billions of dollars . BP社を含め、この事故の原因となった企業は数十億ドルの損失を被っている。BP is still giving money to people who were hurt by the spill .BP社は今もなお、原油流出で被害を受けた人達にお金を支払っている。横やりは余計だったでしょうか?
Q.I decided to be a full-time mother until she was old enough.なぜUntil節の中が過去形なのですか?
Q.これってどんな意味ですか??Sink full of dishes pacin' in the kitchen, cocaine for breakfast, yikesBed full of women, flip on a tripod, little red light on shootin'I'm feelin' like Stanley Kubrick, this is some visionary shit友達がFacebookで言っていたのですが
full of love
マジlove1000% full
君にご奉仕 full
世界の果てまでbelieve heart full
アレセイア full
be starters! full
full house
shoot! full
オルフェ full
ロウきゅーぶ OP full
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